Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Okay, so last night's farming and dailies was a no-go. Real Life intervened, and, on a spur of the moment, I went out and Did Things.

When I returned, I promptly took a nap, and then it was time to log on and RP. My primary focus in playing WoW is the role play aspect. There are very few things in my life which trigger me to utilize my creativity and writing skill, yet writing and fiction are incredibly important to me. I don't so much play the character, as the character sits inside my skull and begs to come out. Writing is a release in that way, and, when choosing between whether I'd rather role play or do my dailies- well, if I only have time for one, I'm sorry to say that dailies are going to get dropped in a heartbeat. WoW is not my second job, it's what I do for fun.

I could have more willpower, because as I've said, I'm sick of being poor- but instead, I ran LBRS on my 72 DK with her RP buddy, a 75 ret pally. There was much smashing of dragon skulls, and some good moments of humor when they both spazzed over all the new and interesting things to smash.

So, since I failed to do my dailies or anything prot or holy oriented, I'll go ahead and dedicate this blog post to the recent resources I've found myself compulsively checking.

First and foremost comes the Plusheal forums.

Put on by the nice folks at World of Matticus (I think?) this is an excellent all-around resource for healers EVERYWHERE! It also has a nice section about leadership, raid strategy, five mans- I can't stop refreshing the site looking for new and interesting topics to read and post to.

And, of course, I love Maintankadin; this was the website that taught me most of what I know about prot. These forums explained to me what that magical, mystical number of '540' actually meant, and why it was so important. As a result, I'm now working on Uncrushable. Yay Maintankadin!

I'd like to give a shout-out to Elitist Jerks for teaching me about my class as a holy paladin in the two months I was unable to log on. I studied the Elitist Jerks holy forums like a crazy person, and actually learned how my class worked for the first time as a result. Thank you for uplifting me from my noobdom!

I also have really enjoyed reading Blessing of Kings, a paladin blog that introduced me to the WoW blogging community. Shortly after EJ became banned from work, I did a quick, bored search on WoW paladin blogs- and this is what I found. From BoK, I managed to find all sorts of resources.

Pull! Is also one of my new favorite things to review, since I've taken up the mantle of Off Tank for my guild. Our Main Tank is one of those CrazyTanks that I am so very, very used to working with; the type that waits for eighty percent mana and no more, the type that does crazy LoS pulls and doesn't warn me, the type that expects me to know my shit- and thereby forces me to Know My Shit when I heal for them. I LOVE my CrazyTanks.

And, of course, I'd like to say a fond farewell to Big Red Kitty. Alongside the rest of the WoW community, I wish you all the best with your Real Life. RL first, always. Still, your humor and light hearted postings, along with the intense research and strategy for huntards (I only mock because I love, I promise) kept me entertained for many an hour.

I still go back and read your archives, BRK; glad to hear you're integrating well out of the raid world!

I intend to tank some instances and do my dailies today, and if I don't, I request the scorn and mocking of my peers to keep me going! THAT EPIC FLAPPY WILL BE MINE SOMEDAY!

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