Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Three dot one

For me, the thing I'm least impressed with is that the patch broke my intricately wrought healing system. Clique is out of date, and Xperl is out of date, and I miss having all my informaaatiioooonnn... I mean, it was RIGHT THERE. I could see numbers. NUMBERS.

I am going to have to readjust to click targetting and toggling my heal buttons to various keyboard buttons.

Also, I'm concerned I may have mucked up both my holy and prot builds. Thinking about it, my holy build is -probably- okay... there is a goodie in the prot tree that I could have given up my two points in Pursuit of Justice for- specced for all five points, it would have equaled 5% more healing done.

But, with the way I heal, it would have probably just amounted to 5% more OVERhealing done, which is why I'm not sweating it too much. And I would have only been able to take two points, not the full five, because it simply IS NOT worth giving up 3% spellcrit for. Crit is my regen stat. With the mana problems they are PROMISING us in Ulduar, they can suck it if they think I'm going for that. Also, my holy tree isn't at tight as it could have been. That ONE point in Concentration Aura makes me nervous.... I feel like a faaaiiluuure. I probably should have put it in lay on hands.

As for my prot build, I took the forementioned goodie, because it also increases healing done TO me by 5%; still, our guild's geared out prot paladin told me that wasn't something I should have needed. D'oh. Apparently, I'm also supposed to be using hammer of justice, which has left me feeling less than impressed in the past. I went ahead and sucked it up and took hammer of justice.

Anyway, my prot build didn't go down as far in the ret tree as the other prot pally's. I am a failure at life. He has more crit than I do, but then, I'm less geared as prot than he is, so maybe that talent I took will be the difference between life and death. We shall see. We shall see.

I got the Outfitter add-on, also- and I'm EXCEEDINGLY impressed.

This patch, for me, has been AWESOME. I haven't even touched the Argent Tournament, but I did respec my DK- I was leveling as blood, she's unholy now. I ran Dire Maul with my ret pally buddy of similar level- shut up, he didn't totally outlevel me, hush, silence!- and that was pretty cool. I enjoyed the new spec, although I'm sure I'm doing it wrong. I will actually have to RESEARCH stupid goddam- *hiss*- DPS.

Anyway, I also hit exalted with Hodir last night. I ended the night with 200 gold after buying my new shoulder enchants for both sets, and doing two sets of Hodir dailies because I was up late.

I had enough money for the dual spec, and I hit exalted with Hodir. I rock! And none of this at the expense of delicious, delicious RP.

Speaking of which, I have started an RP completely unrelated to WoW, except that I stole two of my characters from WoW and transcribed them into a modern setting because I enjoy playing them so much. You can check it out at the following URL!

1 comment:

  1. 3.1 annoyed me so bad I couldn't even play last night :(
