Friday, May 1, 2009

Leadership, role play, and raiding

This week has seen some interesting changes. It's my first week of officership, and so far, I am finding myself really enthused and energized about the whole process- although I feel marginally intimidated by the project that I have set myself to, which is setting up a role play apprenticeship system so that we can have more character interaction, and perhaps bring an element of warfare to the guild RP.

Our guild has changed since I first joined. Originally, there was no raid team, only a few max levels who joined something called the Small Guild Kara Alliance. I was in a different guild at the time, a guild that had a raid team, but that was also small and role play oriented. We brought in some of our friends from my current guild, and it was good.

Then that guild fell apart, and with it, the raid team. I joined our ally guild, which is my current guild, and three of us paladins planned. We were going to have a raiding team, dang it! After all, we had enough people who make max level- it was going to be awesome.

So we brought raiding into the guild, and ever since, it has stuck.

However, this has left a bit of a rift between raiding and role play, as the raiding was never really mixed with the role play aspects. Back in my original guild, we would actively role play during the raid; but in Naxx, and now in Ulduar, we don't really do that. The feel of the RP is different in this guild than it was in my last one. That isn't to say bad, mind- but this isn't my last guild, and I'm happy with that.

Still, it has been noted that we really are still primarily an RP guild, and it could be fun to incorporate our weekly ventures into Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, and Ulduar into our guild role play, since so many of us have become so entrenched in raiding.

We also seem to be developing more and more max level characters, ones who haven't necessarily raided before.

So, to work on the PVE skillsets of those characters, my thought is that we can create an role play system where characters of similar class and mindset can provide instruction to their 'apprentices'; this would include in character discussion of ability rotations, gearing, and actual raid strategy. For characters who are not max level, this would still allow role play interaction, as a character could take on a lower level apprentice, and slowly guide them through the process of leveling up and learning their class, from an IC perspective.

This in character learning could also apply to dual specs, and to professions, for those who aren't as interested in the raiding aspect.

My hope is that this would draw together these two very important, very wonderful aspects of my incredible guild- mesh the PvE progression with the role play that our guild is founded on and continues to be focused on.

However, this project is slightly intimidating to me. Generally, our guild is very relaxed, and easy going. People are willing to take advice and criticism. But I'm not sure how to set this up.

(If anyone has any suggestions on that, I'd love to hear them!)

As for the rest of my WoW experience, aside from the new tasks of officership, I've also been RPing. (Who is surprised? Oh, that's right, no one.) I've managed to bring Kestrell into role play more, which pleases me, and I brought Odynae, my main, back from her jaunt in Ice Crown. She is no longer with Leonu, and has turned into a bitter, hardened warrior- which I believe will leave her in a good position to organize the apprentice/training endeavor. Before, she was rather wiffly and ineffective. I think she'll make a better leader this way.

In addition, I have utterly failed at doing my dailies, or leveling my death knight. I have, however, been working on Rhainn (said DK)'s herbalism and alchemy. She's at 250, and 259, respectively. I'm proud of this. Soon, soon, I shall have flasks and mana potions for my main! Muahahaa!

I'm also trying to get together the materials to make two of our new eighties, both ret paladins (one of whom is off-speccing holy!) their titansteel destroyers. But oh god I hate farming Titanium nodes on my stupid slow flying mount.

Which leads me back to the fact that I NEED TO DO MY DAMN DAILIES. Arrrghhhh.

Ever since I hit Revered with Hodir, I've felt absolutely no motivation. Not even being poor, poor, poor has caused me to stir my lazy butt.

Ah well.

This weekend, we will be taking on Malygos once again, and downing OS. Sunday we will be running Naxx, but I doubt I'll get to go; two of our healers just returned from long absences, and I don't really need much out of there, other than Maexxna's cursed shield. I've pretty much accepted that it will ONLY drop if I am not there. Or it will drop the day after I get the shield off of XT in Ulduar. Argh.

However, despite probably not going to Naxx, I will be attending one of (sort of) ally guilds' Ulduar run, since my guild is not doing Ulduar this weekend due to our fresh eighties and our desire to include them! So, YAY Ulduar with SSB! I'm excited, folks!

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