Friday, May 8, 2009


Okay, folks. RL stuff has me bored to tears all day long as I sit in training, reviewing things we've already been over seventy million times before for hours and hours on end. So, as a result, I've found myself studying up as best I can, and I've found some new articles that I've found really interesting!

Wendy Tanks The World: DK Tanking 101
  • This is an extremely well written article, and I'm not just saying it because Wendy is awesome. Clever use of analogy and humor will keep you laughing, while at the same time she selflessly divulges her super secret DK tanking tricks. Some of these strategies could be applied to prot paladin tanking, as well; just substitute Hand of Reckoning for Dark Command, and consecrate for Death and Decay; to a certain extent, Righteous Defense could replace Death Grip, although that is not a perfect substitution by any stretch of the imagination.

Blessing of Kings: Regenerating Mana and Healing (

  • I found this to be an interesting read, and it got me thinking more about the challenges of Ulduar, and of the changes the game has gone through. Now, personally, I haven't been around since Vanilla WoW, and I can't really relate; as far as I recall, mana regen has been a priority for me, preferably not at the expense of throughput. Overall an interesting read.

Greedy Goblin: Server Transfer Complete

  • For those following Gevlon and his Goblin Philosophy, this has been a fascinating series on WoW economics. The long and short of it is that Gevlon has changed servers, having joined a guild with some terms and stipulations applied. He turns the whole WoW raiding process into a series of agreements and interactions. I find it fascinating. My own playstyle is what he would refer to as a 'social', but even though we game in a completely different way, I find the Goblin Philosophy to be a fascinating read regardless.

Penance Priest

  • Alright, I don't have any specific post I'm linking to, but I just discovered this one earlier this morning, and I find it to be a very useful insight into the life and playstyle of a discipline priest. There's also useful information about macros, and discpriest abilities. This makes me want to level Kestrell as disc/shadow, and leave my shaman to be a group healer- but... I have single target heals covered by Ody, do I really need another single target healer? Yes. Yes I do.

Holy Discipline: Fresh Food

  • This was a cute idea, and would make cooking/gathering for cooking a total bitch. But again, an interesting read, and a neat idea! Plus, Anea is an awesomesauce writer, and Holy Discipline is worth following regardless.

I Like Bubbles

  • This is definitely one of my personal favorite reads. Ambrosyne is a holy paladin gone disc priest, and has a really fun writing style. I love reading her blog, and went into a spazztastic hopping puddle of joy when I saw that my little, tiny blog is on her Blogroll! It also makes me want to implement my own blogroll...

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